Friday, March 28, 2008

Seedlings coming up. There's red cabbage from this fall along with swiss chard. I've got lettuce, spinach, onions, carrots, beets and more swiss chard coming up. I have other areas of garden that look a lot like weeds. I'm finding that if I hide the garden with weeds the rabbits aren't as likely to find them and nibble.
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This years beginning garden. I planted these in late Februrary. Onions and arugula in these two rows.
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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Family enjoying my front porch

Here is my sister, brother and his wife enjoying a snack and some magazines on my front porch during their stay. My sister-in-law, Rita loves the colors of Mexican homes and we were discussing the pictures in these magazines of bright colored tiles and paint.
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Family visit

My brother and sister and sister-in-law came for a visit this weekend. Here they are standing in a field of poppies in Golden Valley. My brother and his wife are from Souex City, Iowa and my sister is from Auburn, California. When we get Spring rain the valley turns golden with poppies thus the name, Golden Valley.
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

This is not my garden but I'm beginning and have some little plants coming up. My camera is not working today for some reason but I hope it will cooperate so I can get some pictures up.
I left all the garden debry out all winter and my chickens were busy scratching and eating . A couple weeks ago I raked back the mulch and began putting in rows. The soil was beautiful, soft and pliable. I've planted peas, cabbage, carrots, beets, celery, long beans, lettuce in my garden area. I've also planted some rows of sunflowers as screens from the street and a tree called the Moringa tree. I'm hoping it will grow well here as the whole tree is edible and it grows very quickly, like 12 -15 ' a year. I'll tell you more about this tree if it starts to grow.
I've got peas and limas coming up along the fence to climb up and tomatoes and potatoes growing in tires. Since I locked the chickens up the swiss chard is coming back strong and I have been eating lettuce and broccoli from my frig planters.
The trees are blossoming out. Spring is arriving and I'm looking forward to a new growing season.
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