Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Here is the picture of the barn and corrals at Terlingua Ranch. I just returned home after camping there for a few days. It was cold some of the time but also had some beautiful days. I'm having a raincatchment pole barn built and hopefully when I return it will be up. As I get pictures of my new building and the site I will post them. I plan on having solar there too. I want to be as self sufficient as possible. I traveled with my slide-on camper and found it reasonably comfortable. I am planning on removing the bench dinete and replacing it with one nice easy chair plus fold down table. I found the dinete bench uncomfortortable for sitting. It was good to get back home and see the animals. The chickens and peacocks are happily out of their pen, scratching about. Cheriki and Sage seemed happy to see me too, although at first Cheriki turned her back on me as if to say, "You left me behind" Looks like rain today, hopefully.
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